Tuesday, January 28, 2014

E-Cigarette coupon codes

Are you interested in E-Liquid, E-cigarette, vape, coupon, discount codes?

Whenever I make an online purchase and see the little box that says "enter coupon code" I do a google search to see if anything comes up. Today I purchased an e-liquid sampler from Texas Select Vapor and while searching for a working discount code I came across gotsmok.com

Here is the link: http://gotsmok.com/vendor-coupon-codes/

They have an extensive list of coupon codes for e-cig retailers. I found the one I was looking for and saved 15% off my e-liquid order! I will also be adding them to the links section on the right of the blog.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Backwoods Brew - E-Liquid

I was online looking for a good ROOT BEER E-Liquid and kept coming across recommendations for a brand called Backwoods Brew. I decided to check em out and ordered 3 flavors to sample - Root Beer, Cola and Applewood. All 3 were 70pg/30vg (their default mix. no other options available) and i went with 12mg nicotine.

Ordering was easy and the shipping was quick and painless. The packaging is nothing special. The labels look like something they made on their office printer but its whats inside that matters so on with the reviews...

Backwoods Brew Applewood is described as a full flavor tobacco with a slightly sweet and crisp finish. Maybe I got a bad batch because I get none of the above. I get more of a Turkish style sweet tobacco with a side of perfume. I do not get smoked apple or anything even close. I have tried the juice fresh out of the box and also after steeping for a week and for me this flavor does not work. I can only assume my order was off because there are a bunch of great reviews for this flavor on the BWB site.

*UPDATE: After letting this flavor steep for another week or two I have gone back and tried it again and the flavor is MUCH better. The perfume flavor has almost completely gone away and the tobacco and hints of apple flavoring have really developed. I will have to do a post on the subject of "steeping" e-liquids in the near future.

Backwoods Brew Root Beer is described as a delicious and true flavoring with a generous throat hit. That is a pretty accurate description. I like drinking root beer and now I also enjoy vaping BWB root beer flavor. It tastes like a good sip of root beer. Maybe a little on the sweet side similar to a fountain soda that is a little high on the syrup. I thought the flavor was excellent straight out of the box and maybe even got a little better as it aged. It is not something I can vape all day but it is definitely enjoyable and I will purchase again. NOTE: I went with the 12mg nicotine level. I may have to try the 18mg next time because I don't really get the generous throat hit they mention in the description.

Backwoods Brew Cola is described as Crisp and clean taste like the old fountain sodas. Easy to vape. Simple and delicious with extra vapor. This description is pretty accurate. It reminds me of slightly flat Coca Cola. As far as cola liquids go, they pretty much hit this one on the head. Being a fan of Coca Cola in the past, I would consider this flavor crisp and delicious. I don't know what they mean by "extra vapor" though. Seems about the same as the others. Out of the 3 Backwoods flavors I sampled, I would give this one the highest ranking. I have been vaping it daily and will definitely purchase again.

Monday, January 20, 2014

What is ejuice? (via projectvape.com)

Here is some information about e-juice from projectvape.com

e-Liquid or e-Juice is normally composed of up to 5 ingredients (not main ingredients with a giant list of other stuff, all ingredients) :
VG (Vegetable Glycerin) The Base makes up 80-90% of e-juice and is composed of 100% VG or a mix with PG. Common ratios are 100% VG, 50/50 PG/VG, and 80/20 PG/VG. It is widely used in all types of food and personal care products like toothpaste. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol

PG (Propylene glycol) Commonly mixed with VG as the base for e-juice. This is a solvent that’s used in all sorts of things. Along with being a solvent, its mainly known for its use in fog machines.  A higher PG mix e-juice will produce thicker clouds of vapor. However PG can dry out your throat and even cause mild allergic reactions in some users. If you have any issues with PG, just use a 100% VG e-juice like those from Virgin Vapor.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propylene_glycol

Flavor 10%-20%. All the e-juice I’ve seen uses Food grade flavorings originally intended for baking or candy making. Here is an excerpt from the LorAnn website: “All of our materials are food grade (where applicable) and adhere to standards set down in the USP, NF or FCC (U.S.Pharmacopoeia, National Formulary, and Food Chemical Codex).”

Nicotine 0%-2.4% depending on strength. Any large supplier of e-juice is using pharmaceutical grade pure nicotine.

Distilled water is sometimes used to dilute if needed.

That’s it. From as little as 2 ingredients (VG and flavor) to as many as 5, and theories on nicotine ingestion non withstanding, all used regularly in food products. Remember, the important thing is what e-juice doesn’t contain: the 4000+ chemicals in a cigarette.


Everything you need to know about E-Cigaretters (via COMPLEX)

E-cigs seem to be quite the hot topic these days. Here is an article Complex Magazine did in an attempt to explain what its all about to the average reader.


Image via The New York Times

Electronic cigarettes, or "e-cigs," are a new alternative to traditional smoking. E-cigs popped up in the U.S. around 2007, and the Wall Street Journal now reports that in 2013, the e-cig industry was on track to make nearly $2 billion in sales, almost tripling its 2012 figures. Damn. This electronic method works by heating up nicotine "juice" and converting it into vapor. Proponents of e-cigs argue that the practice is healthier than traditional cigarettes because users are only inhaling water vapor and nicotine. Because e-cigs are new, they're still relatively a mystery. Here is Everything You Need To Know About E-Cigarettes, as it continues to push its way into the mainstream.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

An apple a day keeps the cigarettes away!

When I first made the transition from prefilled cartridges to a refillable e-cigarette, a friend of mine from the Midwest sent me the Big "Stainless" Foos kit. The big battery lasted a lot longer than the cigarette-style batteries and the refillable clearomizer sent me spiraling out of control into the rapidly emerging world of e-juice flavors. My friend also included 2 little (5ml) bottles of juice. One was mango and the other was apple. I hate mango and still have half a bottle sitting on the shelf. The apple was gone in 2 days and I was instantly hooked on this flavor. I considered ordering some more from Foos but that 5ml size is just too small so I hit up my closest vape shop and found this...

Buck Naked Apple E-Liquid
This has been my flavor of choice for almost 2 months now. Its crisp, sweet and tart just like an apple Jolly Rancher stick. The mix is 70/30 so the flavor is really pronounced but doesn't become tiresome and you still get a decent amount of vapor. Sometimes I will mix it with an American tobacco liquid to cut back on the sweetness. I began with 18mg of nicotine but decided to cut back to 12mg because I was enjoying this flavor so much the high level of nicotine started to give me a headache. My only problem with this e-liquid is that they only offer it in 10ml bottles. If this was available in 30ml I would definitely buy it so that I don't run out so fast.

Also I have to mention that their packaging and website look great.